Westford Management has provided to all homeowners the details for paying the quarterly homeowner dues.
Here is a link (No Fee)
The Homeowners Portal can also be used to pay quarterly dues, and access information. Login or set up an account by clicking the link below.
(May Require a Fee)
In the past, there have been reports of suspicious nighttime activity around the neighborhood, especially related to homeowners' personal vehicles. The Bloomfield Police Department has been contacted and they have advised us to ensure all vehicle doors are locked and in a garage if possible. If you see something suspicious, do not confront the individual. Instead, please call the BPD at (860) 242-5501.
The Sinnott Farm Association Board of Directors welcomes suggestions from homeowners regarding content or notices that you'd like to see on the website.
If there is a local or community news item that you think would be of interest to your neighbors, please let us know, and we will do our best to get it posted.
Our Association has specific rules that govern how and when tag sales can be conducted in the community. Click here to review the By-Laws and Rules for the requirements before you plan your event.
Bloomfield Block Watch Information
For our own safety, the police department has asked that we not personally confront anyone, but that we gather as much information as possible to pass along to them [i.e. exact location, date, time of day, vehicle make/model, plate number, description of person, etc.]. If you've witnessed something in or around our Common, we'd appreciate your contacting a Board member as well just so we're informed. Board member email addresses can be found on the homepage of this website.
The Department of Homeland Security slogan "If you see something, say something" protects us all.
Every so often one of our neighborhood streetlights will suffer from a burnt out bulb or will just quit working for some other reason. You have probably wondered "what do I do if that happens on my street?"
Well, wonder no more.
Simply write down the number that appears on the light pole and let one of your Board Members know what that number is and also give them the address of the pole (closest house address). The Board will contact someone to get it right back up shining again, post haste.
Looking for the 2022 Approved Budget? Please contact our property manager for a copy.
Copies of past budgets, and other documentation can be found on the Archive Page.
Executive Board and Annual Meeting Minutes and Agendas from past years can be found here.